Self Painting Check

Hacking Carnaval body painting to empower women to self-check for breast cancer.

Breast cancer is the leading cause of death among women in Brazil, but only 10% have access to mammography through public healthcare. The waiting time for a diagnosis through mammography in the Unified Health System can reach up to six months, making breast self-checks critical.

The Self Painting Check hacked a cultural movement to educate woman on how to perform breast self-checks. It is a body painting tutorial that doubles as a self-check for breast cancer.  

Throughout centuries, Brazilians have celebrated Carnaval and preserved its rich traditions. Body painting is one of them. Every year, women paint their breasts with vibrant colors and come together to participate in street parades (known as “blocos) all over the country. During a few days of Carnaval, The Self Painting Check reached millions of women, saving more lives in a week than in an entire year.